
This page is used for IPv4 traffic filtering by IP addresses and TCP/UDP ports

Outgoing Default Action
Firewall policy for outgoing traffic. The action will be applied to the packet if none of the created rules is applicable to it
Incoming Default Action
Firewall policy for incoming traffic. The action will be applied to the packet if none of the created rules is applicable to it
The criterion of the created rule that describes the direction of the packet
The criterion of the created rule that describes the transport or network protocol in the packet
Source IP Address
The criterion of the created rule that describes the source IP address in the packet
Source Port
The criterion of the created rule that describes the source port in the packet
Destination IP address
The criterion of the created rule that describes the destination IP address in the packet
Destination Port
The criterion of the created rule that describes the destination port in the packet
Action to be applied to the packet if all criteria match