var str_pages = new Array(); pages_js = { // File Name:AdvScrRpm.htm ntw_adv_scr: { t_adv_scr : "Advanced Security", t_ping : "Ping", t_ping_wan : "Ping from WAN", t_interval : "Packets Statistics Interval (5 ~ 60):", t_seconds : " Seconds", t_dos_protection : "DoS Protection:", t_disable : "Disable", t_enable : "Enable", t_en_icmp : "Enable ICMP-FLOOD Attack Filtering", t_icmp_thrd : "ICMP-FLOOD Packets Threshold (5 ~ 3600):", t_pkts0 : " Packets/s ", t_en_udp : "Enable UDP-FLOOD Filtering", t_udp_thrd : "UDP-FLOOD Packets Threshold (5 ~ 3600):", t_pkts1 : " Packets/s", t_en_tcp : "Enable TCP-SYN-FLOOD Attack Filtering", t_tcp_thrd : "TCP-SYN-FLOOD Packets Threshold (5 ~ 3600):", t_pkts2 : " Packets/s", t_ingore_ping : " Ignore Ping Packet From WAN Port", t_forbid_ping : " Forbid Ping Packet From LAN Port", js_bad_icmp_thrd : "Bad ICMP-FLOOD Packets threshold, please input another number!(5-3600)", js_bad_udp_thrd : "Bad UDP-FLOOD Packets threshold, please input another number!(5-3600)", js_bad_tcp_thrd : "Bad TCP-FLOOD Packets threshold, please input another number!(5-3600)", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:AssignedIpAddrListRpm.htm ntw_assigned_ip_addr_list: { t_title : "DHCP Clients List", t_id : "ID", t_client_name : "Client Name", t_mac_addr : "MAC Address", t_assigned_ip : "Assigned IP", t_lease_time : "Lease Time", t_none : "none", t_permanent : "Permanent", t_list_none : "No attached client currently.", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:BakNRestoreRpm.htm ntw_bakn_restore: { t_title : "Backup & Restore", t_backup : "Backup:", t_file : "File:", js_choose_file : "Please choose a file for loading!", js_mksure_load : "Are you sure to load?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:ChangeLoginPwdRpm.htm ntw_change_login_pwd: { t_title : "Password", t_old_user_name : "Old User Name:", t_old_pwd : "Old Password:", t_new_user_name : "New User Name:", t_new_pwd : "New Password:", t_conf_new_pwd : "Confirm New Password:", js_illegal_input : "The input value contain illegal character, please input another one!", js_illegal_input2 : "The input value contains illegal characters, please input another one! (The illegal character is the character except for alphabet, number, '-' and '_'.", js_req_field : "Required field cannot be left blank!", js_bad_confirm_pwd : "The confirm password must accord with the new password!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:CmxDdnsRpm.htm ntw_cmx_ddns: { t_title : "DDNS", t_provider : "Service Provider:", t_register : "Go to register...", t_wan_port : "WAN Port:", t_domainname0 : "Domain Name:", t_domainname1 : "Domain Name:", t_domainname2 : "Domain Name:", t_domainname3 : "Domain Name:", t_domainname4 : "Domain Name:", t_usrname : "User Name:", t_pwd : "Password:", t_en_ddns : " Enable DDNS", t_con_status : "Connection Status:", t_not_launch : "DDNS not launching!", t_connecting : "Connecting...", t_succeeded : "Succeeded!", t_pwd_error : "User or Password error!", t_domain_error : "Domain Name error", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:confUploadErrorRpm.htm ntw_conf_upload_err: { t_title : "Error", t_config_err : "Config file error:", t_command : "command", t_err_type : "error type", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:DateTimeCfgRpm.htm ntw_date_time_cfg: { t_title : "Time Settings", t_time_zone : "Time zone:", t_timezone0 : "(GMT-12:00) Eniwetok,Kwajalein", t_timezone1 : "(GMT-11:00) Midway Island,Samoa", t_timezone2 : "(GMT-10:00) Hawaii", t_timezone3 : "(GMT-09:00) Alaska", t_timezone4 : "(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time", t_timezone5 : "(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US Canada)", t_timezone6 : "(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US Canada)", t_timezone7 : "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US Canada)", t_timezone8 : "(GMT-04:00) Altlantic Time (Canada)", t_timezone10 : "(GMT-03:00) Newfoundland, Brasilia, Buenos Aires", t_timezone11 : "(GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic", t_timezone12 : "(GMT-01:00) Azores, Cape Verde Is", t_timezone13 : "(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time, Dublin, London", t_timezone14 : "(GMT+01:00) Berlin, Stockholm, Rome, Bern, Brussels", t_timezone15 : "(GMT+02:00) Athens, Helsinki, Eastern Europe, Israel", t_timezone16 : "(GMT+03:00) Baghdad, Kuwait, Nairobi, Riyadh, Moscow", t_timezone18 : "(GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Kazan, Volgograd", t_timezone20 : "(GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Ekaterinburg", t_timezone23 : "(GMT+06:00) Almaty, Dhaka", t_timezone25 : "(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta, Hanoi", t_timezone26 : "(GMT+08:00) Beijing, Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore", t_timezone27 : "(GMT+09:00) Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, Seoul, Yakutsk", t_timezone29 : "(GMT+10:00) Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney", t_timezone30 : "(GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia", t_timezone31 : "(GMT+12:00) Fiji, Kamchatka, Auckland", t_timezone32 : "(GMT+13:00) Nuku'alofa", t_date : "Date:", t_mdy : "(MM/DD/YY)", t_time : "Time:", t_hms : "(HH/MM/SS)", t_use_daylight_time : "Using Daylight Saving Time:", t_dst_begin : "DST begin:", t_mdh0 : "(MM/DD/HH)", t_dst_end : "DST end:", t_mdh1 : "(MM/DD/HH)", t_ntp_srv : "Preferable NTP Server:", t_get_gmt : "(Get GMT when connected to Internet)", js_input_ip : "Please input IP address!", js_input_time : "Please input a time!", js_bad_year : "Wrong format of year, please input another one(1970-2105)!", js_bad_month : "Wrong format of month, please input another one(1-12)!", js_bad_day : "Wrong format of day, please input another one(1-31)!", js_bad_hour : "Wrong format of hour, please input another one(0-23)!", js_bad_minute : "Wrong format of minute, please input another one(0-59)!", js_bad_secd : "Wrong format of second, please input another one(0-59)!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:DMZRpm.htm ntw_dmz: { t_title : "DMZ", t_status : "Current DMZ Status:", t_enable : "Enable", t_disable : "Disable", t_dmz_ip : "DMZ Host IP Address:", js_bad_dmz_ip : "The DMZ Host IP Address is invalid, please input again!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:DistanceSetRpm.htm ntw_distance_set: { t_title : "Distance Setting", t_distance : "Distance:", t_indoor : "Use Default Setting", t_note : "Note: ", t_distance_note : "Specify the distance value in kilometers, accurate to the first decimal place. If the distance is set too short or too long, it will result poor connection and throughput performance, it is best to set the value at 110% of the real distance. If the AP is being used in an indoor setting, please use the default setting.", js_bad_distanece_value1 : "Invalid value, please enter a number between 0 and 105.1", js_bad_distanece_value2 : "Invalid value, please enter a number between 0 and 52.6", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:DomainFilterRpm.htm ntw_domain_filter: { t_title : "Domain Filtering", t_fw_set : "Firewall Settings (You can change it on Firewall page)", t_en_fw : "Enable Firewall:", t_en_domain_flt : "Enable Domain Filtering:", t_effect_time : "Effective time", t_domain_name : "Domain Name", t_status : "Status", t_modify : "Modify", t_enable : "Enabled", t_disable : "Disabled", t_modify1 : "Modify", t_delete : "Delete", t_enabled : "Enabled", t_disabled : "Disabled", js_no_entry : "No entry exists in the table!", js_mksure_delete : "Are you sure to delete all entries?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:DomainFilterRpmAdv.htm ntw_domain_filter_adv: { t_title : "Add or Modify an Domain Filtering Entry", t_effect_time : "Effective Time:", t_domain_name : "Domain Name:", t_status : "Status:", t_disable : "Disabled", t_enable : "Enabled", js_bad_start_time : "Bad start time (only 4 numbers), please input another number!", js_bad_end_time : "Bad end time (only 4 numbers), please input another number!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:DynDdnsRpm.htm ntw_dyn_ddns: { t_title : "DDNS", t_srv_provider : "Service Provider:", t_register : "Go to register...", t_wan_port : "WAN Port:", t_usr_name : "User Name:", t_pwd : "Password:", t_domain_name : "Domain Name:", t_en_ddns : " Enable DDNS", t_con_status : "Connection Status:", t_not_launch : "DDNS not launching!", t_connecting : "Connecting...", t_succeeded : "Succeeded!", t_pwd_error : "User or Password error!", t_domain_error : "Domain Name error", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:errorPage.htm errorPage: { t_title : "Error", t_err_prompt : "Error occurred, please try again.", t_err_exception : "Error occurred, please try again.", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:FireWallRpm.htm ntw_firewall: { t_title : "Firewall", t_en_fw : " Enable Firewall (the general firewall switch)", t_en_ip_flt : " Enable IP Address Filtering", t_ip_flt_rule : "Default IP Address Filtering Rules:", t_allow0 : "Allow", t_pcks_pass0 : "the packets not specified by any filtering rules to pass through the device", t_deny0 : "Deny", t_pcks_pass1 : "the packets not specified by any filtering rules to pass through the device", t_en_domain : "Enable Domain Filtering", t_en_mac : "Enable MAC Address Filtering", t_mac_flt_rule : "Default MAC Address Filtering Rules:", t_allow1 : "Allow", t_pc_acc0 : "these PCs with enabled rules to access the Internet", t_deny1 : "Deny", t_pc_acc1 : "these PCs with enabled rules to access the Internet", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:FixMapCfgRpm.htm ntw_fix_map_cfg: { t_title : "Address Reservation", t_mac_addr : "MAC Address", t_ip_addr : "Reserved IP Address", t_status : "Status", t_modify : "Modify", t_disable : "Disabled", t_enable : "Enabled", t_modify1 : "Modify", t_delete : "Delete", js_mksure_delete : "Note:This configuration will not take effect until the Router is rebooted. Would you continue the configuration? ", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:FixMapCfgAdvRpm.htm ntw_fix_map_adv_cfg: { t_title : "Add or Modify a Address Reservation Entry", t_mac_addr : "MAC Address:", t_ip_addr : "Reserved IP Address:", t_status : "Status:", t_disable : "Disabled ", t_enable : "Enabled ", js_bad_mac : "Invalid MAC address, please input another one!", js_input_mac : "Please input a correct MAC address!", js_input_ip : "Please input IP address!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:GetGMTRpm.htm ntw_get_gmt: { t_title : "Getting GMT", t_text0 : "Obtaining Network Time from Internet . . .", t_text1 : "Please Wait . . .", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:Index.htm Index: { t_noFrame : "Please upgrade to a version 4 or higher browser so that you can use this setup tool.", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:L2TPCfgRpm.htm ntw_l2tp_cfg: { t_dyn_ip : "Dynamic IP", t_stat_ip : "Static IP", t_pppoe : "PPPoE", t_802dyn_ip : "802.1X + Dynamic IP", t_802stat_ip : "802.1X + Static IP", t_bpa : "BigPond Cable", t_l2tp : "L2TP", t_pptp : "PPTP", t_title : "WAN", t_wan_port : "WAN Port:", t_wan_con_type : "WAN Connection Type:", t_usr_name : "User Name:", t_pwd : "Password:", t_disconnected : "Disconnected!", t_connected : "Connected!", t_Connecting : "Connecting...", t_dynamic_ip : "Dynamic IP", t_static_ip : "Static IP", t_srv_ip_name : "Server IP Address/Name:", t_ip_addr : "IP Address:", t_sub_mask : "Subnet Mask:", t_gateway : "Gateway:", t_dns : "DNS:", t_internet_ip_addr : "Internet IP Address:", t_internet_dns : "Internet DNS:", t_mtu_size : "MTU Size (in bytes):", t_mtu_def : "(The default is 1460, do not change unless necessary.)", t_max_idle_time : "Max Idle Time:", t_time_def : "minutes (0 means remain active at all times.)", t_wan_con_mode : "WAN Connection Mode:", t_con_to_demand : "Connect on Demand", t_con_auto : "Connect Automatically", t_con_manu : "Connect Manually", js_bad_mtu : "Bad MTU, please input another number!\n(576 ~ 1460, the default is 1460)", js_bad_idle_time : "Bad idle time,please input a number!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:LanArpBindingAdvRpm.htm ntw_lan_arp_binding_adv: { t_title : "IP & MAC Binding Settings", t_bind : "Bind:", t_mac_add : "MAC Address:", t_ip_addr : "IP Address:", js_bad_mac : "Invalid MAC address, please input again!", js_input_mac : "Please input a correct MAC address!", js_input_ip : "Please input a correct IP address!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:LanArpBindingFindRpm.htm ntw_lan_arp_binding_find: { t_title : "Find IP & MAC Binding Entry", t_mac_add : "MAC Address:", t_ip_addr : "IP Address:", t_id : "ID", t_mac_add0 : "MAC Address", t_ip_addr1 : "IP Address", t_bind : "Bind", t_link : "Link", t_to_page : "To page", t_empty : "Now the current list is empty.", js_mksure_delete : "Are you sure delete all entries?", js_bad_mac : "Invalid MAC address, please input again!", js_cannot_both_none : "The MAC address and IP Address can not be null at the same time!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:LanArpBindingListRpm.htm ntw_lan_arp_binding_list: { t_title : "ARP List", t_id : "ID", t_mac_addr : "MAC Address", t_ip_addr : "IP Address", t_status : "Status", t_cfg : "Configure", t_bound : "Bound", t_unbound : "Unbound", t_load : "Load", t_delete : "Delete", t_no_enpty : "The current list is empty.", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:LanArpBindingRpm.htm ntw_lan_arp_binding: { t_title : "Binding Settings", t_arp_bind : "ARP Binding:", t_disable : "Disable ", t_enable : "Enable", t_id : "ID", t_mac_addr : "MAC Address", t_ip_addr : "IP Address", t_bind : "Bind", t_modify : "Modify", t_modify1 : "Modify", t_delete : "Delete", t_no_entry : "The list is empty", t_page : "Page", js_mksure_delete : "Are you sure delete all entries?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:LanDhcpServerRpm.htm ntw_lan_dhcp_server: { t_title : "DHCP Settings", t_dhcp_srv : "DHCP Server:", t_disable : "Disable ", t_enable : "Enable", t_start_ip_addr : "Start IP Address:", t_end_ip_addr : "End IP Address:", t_lease_time : "Address Lease Time:", t_defminute : " minutes (1~2880 minutes, the default value is 120)", t_default_gateway : "Default Gateway:", t_optional : " (optional)", t_default_domain : "Default Domain:", t_optional0 : " (optional)", t_primary_dns : "Primary DNS:", t_optional1 : " (optional)", t_secondary_dns : "Secondary DNS:", t_optional2 : " (optional)", js_reboot_prompt : "Note:The new configure won't take effect until the device reboot!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:LanMacFilterAdvRpm.htm ntw_lan_mac_filter_adv: { t_title : "Add or Modify a MAC Address Filtering Entry", t_mac_addr : "MAC Address:", t_description : "Description:", t_status : "Status:", t_disable : "Disabled", t_enable : "Enabled", js_bad_mac : "Invalid MAC address, please input another one!", js_input_mac : "Please input a correct MAC address!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:LanMacFilterRpm.htm ntw_lan_mac_filter: { t_title : "MAC Address Filtering", t_fw_settings : "Firewall Settings (You can change it on Firewall page)", t_en_fw : "Enable Firewall:", t_en_mac_flt : "Enable MAC Address Filtering:", t_flt_rul : "Default Filtering Rules:", t_mac_add : "MAC Address", t_description : "Description", t_status : "Status", t_modify : "Modify", t_enable : "Enabled", t_disable : "Disabled", t_modify1 : "Modify", t_delete : "Delete", t_enabled : "Enabled", t_disabled : "Disabled", t_allow : "Allow ", t_pc_acc : " these PCs with the enabled rules to access the Internet.", t_deny : "Deny ", t_pc_acce : " these PCs with the enabled rules to access the Internet.", js_mksure_delete : "Are you sure to delete all entries?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:MacCloneCfgRpm.htm ntw_mac_clone_cfg: { t_title : "MAC Clone", t_mac_addr : "WAN MAC Address:", t_pc_mac_addr : "Your PC's MAC Address:", js_reboot_prompt : "The function won't take effect until the device reboot.Are you sure to reboot the device now?", js_bad_mac : "Invalid MAC address, please input another one!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:ManageControlRpm.htm ntw_manage_control: { t_title : "Remote Management", t_manage_port : "Web Management Port:", t_manage_ip_addr : "Remote Management IP Address:", js_reboot_prompt : "Note: The change of web management port won't take effect until the Device reboot!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:MenuRpm.htm MenuRpm: { js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:MiscShowRpm.htm ntw_misc_show: { t_title : "Blocked DoS Host List", t_host_ip : "Host IP Address", t_host_mac : "Host MAC Address", t_no_host : "No thwarted DoS Host.", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:NetworkLanCfgRpm.htm ntw_network_lan_cfg: { t_title : "LAN", t_mac_addr : "MAC Address:", t_ip_addr : "IP Address:", t_mask : "Subnet Mask:", js_input_ip : "Please input IP address!", js_reboot_prompt : "Modification of IP address or Subnet Mask will result in the rebooting of the device,OK?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:PeanutHullDdnsRpm.htm ntw_peanuthull_ddns: { t_title : "DDNS", t_srv_provider : "Service Provider:", t_register : "Go to register...", t_wan_port : "WAN Port:", t_usr_name : "User Name:", t_pwd : "Password:", t_en_ddns : " Enable DDNS", t_cnn_status : "Connection Status:", t_type : "Service Type:", t_domain_name : "Domain Name:", t_null : "---", t_not_launch : "DDNS not launching!", t_connecting : "Connecting...", t_succeeded : "Succeeded!", t_pwd_error : "User or Password error!", t_domain_error : "Domain Name error", t_profession_service : "Profession Service", t_standard_service : "Standard Service", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:PingWatchDogRpm.htm ntw_wlan_pwd: { t_pingWatchDog_title : "Ping Watch Dog Utility", t_pingWatchDog_enable : "Enable:", t_pingWatchDog_dstAddr : "IP Address:", t_pingWatchDog_interval : "Interval:", t_pingWatchDog_seconds : "seconds", t_pingWatchDog_delay : "Delay:", t_pingWatchDog_count : "Fail Count:", t_broad_err : "Broadcast IP address hasn\'t been supported yet!", js_ip_notice : "IP address isn't available!", js_interval_notice : "Interval's value is between 10 and 300s!", js_delay_notice : "Delay's value is between 60 and 300s!", js_failcount_notice : "Fail Count's value is between 1 and 65535!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:SpeedTestRpm.htm ntw_sys_sp: { t_speedTest_title : "Simple Network Speed Test Utility", t_dstAddrInput : "Destination IP: ", t_show_adv : "Advanced options:", t_authUser : "User:", t_authPassword : "Password:", t_advDirection : "Direction:", t_transmit : "transmit", t_receive : "receive", t_both : "both", t_timeLimit : "Duration:", t_dataLimit : "Data amount:", t_testResult : "Test Results", t_TX : "Tx: ", t_NA : "N/A", t_RX : "Rx: ", t_results_unit : " Mbps", t_dot : "...", t_auth_err : "The remote device don\'t grant your request.", t_link_err : "The link has been broken off!", t_usrstop_err : "You have stopped the current test!", t_rougn_test : "This is only a rough estimation using ICMP packet!", t_checkip_err : "Broadcast IP address hasn\'t been supported yet!", t_info : "Testting is on running!", js_ip_err : "IP address isn't available!", js_username_err : "The Username contains illegal character, please input another one!", js_password_err : "The Password contains illegal character, please input another one!", js_limit_err : "Either Duration or Data Amount's value has been setted!", js_durateion_err : "Duration's value is between 10 and 600s!", js_dataAmountDot_err : "It's unnecessary to input separators beteen numbers in Data Amount!", js_dataAmount_err : "Data Amount's value is between 1,500,000 and 150,000,000 bytes!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:PPPoECfgAdvRpm.htm ntw_pppoe_cfg_adv: { t_title : "PPPoE Advanced Settings", t_mtu_size : "MTU Size (in bytes):", t_mtu_size_range : " (The default is 1480, do not change unless necessary.)", t_ser_name : "Service Name:", t_ac_name : "AC Name:", t_ip_addr_desc : " Use IP address specified by ISP", t_isp_ip : "ISP Specified IP Address:", t_detect_interval : "Detect Online Interval:", t_sec : " Seconds (0 ~ 120 seconds, the default is 0, 0 means not detecting.)", t_use_dns_ser : " Use the following DNS Servers", t_pri_dns : "Primary DNS:", t_sec_dns : "Secondary DNS:", t_op : " (Optional)", js_bad_mtu : "The MTU is invalid, please input another one!(576 ~ 1492, the default is 1480)!", js_detect_interval_error : "The 'Detect Online Interval' must be between 0~120!", js_reboot_prompt : "Save the configuration will result in reconnecting to the Internet, OK?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:PPPoECfgRpm.htm ntw_pppoe_cfg: { t_dyn : "Dynamic IP", t_stat : "Static IP", t_pppoe : "PPPoE", t_802dyn : "802.1X + Dynamic IP", t_802stat : "802.1X + Static IP", t_bpa : "BigPond Cable", t_l2tp : "L2TP", t_pptp : "PPTP", t_title : "WAN", t_wan_port : "WAN Port:", t_wan_con_type : "WAN Connection Type:", t_usr_name : "User Name:", t_pwd : "Password:", t_wan_con_mod : "Wan Connection Mode:", t_conn_on_demand : "Connect on Demand", t_max_idle_time : "       Max Idle Time:  ", t_mins : " minutes (0 means remain active at all times.)", t_con_auto : "Connect Automatically", t_time_base : "Time-based Connecting", t_period_time : "       Period of Time:from ", t_hm : "(HH:MM) to", t_conn_manu : "Connect Manually", t_max_idle_time1 : "       Max Idle Time:  ", t_mins1 : " minutes (0 means remain active at all times.)", t_disconnected : "Disconnected", t_connected : "Connected", t_connecting : "Connecting...", js_bad_waittime : "Wrong time format, please input another number (0-99)!", js_bad_hour : "Wrong time format, please input another number (0-24)!", js_input_time : "Please input a time!", js_bad_mtu : "Bad MTU,please input another number!\n(576~1500,the default is 1500)", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:restart.htm ntw_restart: { t_title : "Restart", t_config_upload : "Config Upload Successfully!", t_change_LAN_IP : "Change LAN IP address Successfully!", t_MAC_clone : "MAC Clone Successfully!", t_software_upgrade : "Software Upgrade Successfully!", t_router_reboot : "Device Reboot Successfully!", t_factory_default : "Reset Factory Config Successfully!", t_pppoe : "PPPoE Setting Successfully!", t_config_upload_ex : "Config Upload Successfully,but there are some unknown commands:", t_setting_succeed : "Setting Successfully.", t_notice : "Please wait a moment, if the browser does not refresh automatically, click Refresh in the top of your browser.", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:RestoreDefaultCfgRpm.htm ntw_restore_default_cfg: { t_title : "Factory Defaults", t_notice : "Click the following button to reset all configuration settings to their default values.", js_mksure_restore : "Any settings you have saved will be lost if you restore Factory Defaults, \nare you sure to continue?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:SoftwareUpgradeRpm.htm ntw_software_upgrade: { t_title : "Firmware Upgrade", t_file : "File:", t_softversion : "Firmware Version:", t_hardversion : "Hardware Version:", js_input_file : "Please choose a file to upgrade!", js_choose_file : "Please choose a correct file to upgrade!", js_bad_file : "The filename should not be longer than 64!", js_mksure_upgrade : "Are you sure to upgrade the firmware?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:SpecialAppAdvRpm.htm ntw_special_app_adv: { t_title : "Add or Modify a Port Triggering Entry", t_trigger_port : "Trigger Port:", t_trigger_protocol : "Trigger Protocol:", t_all : "ALL", t_incomming_port : "Incoming Ports:", t_incomming_protocol : "Incoming Protocol:", t_all2 : "ALL", t_status : "Status:", t_disable : "Disabled", t_enable : "Enabled", t_common_app : "Common Applications:", t_select_one : "--Select One--", js_bad_port_range : "Port number must be in range (1-65534), please input another number!", js_input_error : "The input value contain illegal character, please input another one!", js_port_illegal : "Illegal port, please input another one!", js_input_trigger_port : "Please input the Trigger Port number!", js_input_incoming_port : "Please input the Incoming Ports number!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:SpecialAppRpm.htm ntw_special_app: { t_all : "ALL", t_title : "Port Triggering", t_id : "ID", t_trig_port : "Trigger Port", t_trig_protocol : "Trigger Protocol", t_incom_port : "Incoming Port", t_incom_protocol : "Incoming Protocol", t_status : "Status", t_modify : "Modify", t_disabled : "Disabled", t_enabled : "Enabled", t_modify1 : "Modify", t_Delete : "Delete", js_no_entry : "No entry existed in the table!", js_mksure_delete : "Are you sure to delete all entries?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:StaticRouteTableAdvRpm.htm ntw_static_route_table_adv: { t_title : "Add or Modify a Static Route Entry", t_dest_ipaddr : "Destination IP Address:", t_submask : "Subnet Mask:", t_gateway : "Default Gateway:", t_status : "Status:", t_disabled : "Disabled ", t_enabled : "Enabled ", js_input_ip : "Please input IP address!", js_input_mask : "Please input the subnet mask address!", js_input_gateway : "Please input Gateway address!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:StaticRouteTableRpm.htm ntw_static_route_table: { t_title : "Static Routing", t_dest_ipaddr : "Destination IP Address", t_submask : "Subnet Mask", t_gateway : "Default Gateway", t_status : "Status", t_modify : "Modify", t_disable : "Disabled", t_enable : "Enabled", t_modify1 : "Modify", t_delete : "Delete", js_mksure_delete : "Are you sure to delete all entries?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:SysRebootRpm.htm ntw_sys_reboot: { t_title : "Reboot", t_notice : "Click this button to reboot the device.", js_mksure_reboot : "Are you sure to reboot the Device?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:SystemLogRpm.htm ntw_sys_log: { t_title : "System Log", t_index : "Index", t_log : "Log Content", js_mksure_delete : "Are you sure to clear all the logs?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:SystemStatisticRpm.htm ntw_system_statistic: { t_title : "Statistics", t_current_status : "Current Statistics Status:", t_pck_sta_int : "Packets Statistics Interval(5~60):", t_sec : " Seconds", t_auto_ref : " Auto-refresh", t_srt_rul : "Sorted Rules:", t_by_ip : "Sorted by IP Address", t_by_total_packet : "Sorted by Total Packets", t_by_total_byte : "Sorted by Total Bytes", t_by_cur_packet : "Sorted by Current Packets", t_by_cur_byte : "Sorted by Current Bytes", t_total : "Total", t_current : "Current", t_modify : "Modify", t_ip_addr : "IP Address/", t_mac_addr : "MAC Address", t_packet0 : "Packets", t_byte0 : "Bytes", t_packet1 : "Packets", t_byte1 : "Bytes", t_icmp_tx : "ICMP Tx", t_udp_tx : "UDP Tx", t_syn_tx : "SYN Tx", t_reset : "Reset", t_delete : "Delete", t_no_entry : "The current list is empty.", t_page : "Page", t_enabled : "Enabled", t_disabled : "Disabled", js_mksure_reset : "Are you sure to reset all statistics?", js_mksure_delete : "Are you sure to delete all entries?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:UpdateTemp.htm ntw_update_temp: { t_title0 : "Configuration Import", t_title1 : "Firmware Upgrade", t_notice0 : "Processing...", t_notice1 : "Please wait until system reboots...", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:UpnpCfgRpm.htm ntw_upnp_cfg: { t_titlt : "UPnP", t_status : "Current UPnP Status:", t_disabled1 : "Disabled", t_enabled1 : "Enabled", t_curlist : "Current UPnP Settings List", t_id : "ID", t_app : "App Description", t_ex_port : "External Port", t_protocol : "Protocol", t_inter_port : "Internal Port", t_ip : "IP Address", t_status1 : "Status", t_disabled : "Disabled", t_enabled : "Enabled", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:VirtualServerAdvRpm.htm ntw_virtual_server_adv: { t_title : "Add or Modify a Virtual Server Entry", t_srv_port : "Service Port:", t_format : "(XX-XX or XX)", t_ip_addr : "IP Address:", t_protocol : "Protocol:", t_all : "ALL", t_status : "Status:", t_disable : "Disabled", t_enable : "Enabled", t_common : "Common Service Port:", t_select_one : "--Select One--", js_input_illegal : "The input value contain illegal character, please input another one!", js_port_illegal : "Illegal port input, please input another one! For e.g.: 21-26 or 23", js_input_ip : "Please input IP address!", js_input_port : "Please input port address! For e.g.: 21-26 or 23", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:VirtualServerRpm.htm ntw_virtual_server: { t_all : "ALL", t_title : "Virtual Servers", t_id : "ID", t_srv_port : "Service Port", t_ip_addr : "IP Address", t_protocol : "Protocol", t_status : "Status", t_modify : "Modify", t_enable : "Enabled", t_disable : "Disabled", t_modify1 : "Modify", t_delete : "Delete", js_no_entry : "No entry exists in the table!", js_mksure_delete : "Are you sure to delete all entries?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WanIpFilterAdvRpm.htm ntw_wan_ip_filter_adv: { t_title : "Add or Modify an IP Address Filtering Entry", t_effect_time : "Effective time:", t_lan_ip_addr : "LAN IP Address:", t_lan_port : "LAN Port:", t_wan_ip_addr : "WAN IP Address:", t_wan_port : "WAN Port:", t_protocol : "Protocol:", t_all : "ALL", t_action : "Action:", t_deny : "Deny", t_allow : "Allow", t_status : "Status:", t_disabled : "Disabled", t_enabled : "Enabled", js_bad_start_time : "Bad start time (only 4 numbers), please input another number!", js_bad_end_time : "Bad end time (only 4 numbers), please input another number!", js_bad_lan_port : "Bad LAN port number!", js_bad_wan_port : "Bad WAN port number!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WanIpFilterRpm.htm ntw_wan_ip_filter: { t_all : "ALL", t_title : "IP Address Filtering", t_fw_set : "Firewall Settings (You can change it on Firewall page)", t_en_fw : "Enable Firewall:", t_en_ip_filter : "Enable IP Filtering:", t_filter_rule : "Default Filtering Rules:", t_id : "ID", t_eff_time : "Effective time", t_lan_ip : "LAN IP", t_lan_port : "LAN Port", t_wan_ip : "WAN IP", t_wan_port : "WAN Port", t_proto : "Protocol", t_action : "Action", t_status : "Status", t_modify : "Modify", t_allow : "Allow", t_deny : "Deny", t_enable : "Enabled", t_disable : "Disabled", t_modify1 : "Modify", t_delete : "Delete", t_toid : "to ID", t_enabled : "Enabled", t_disabled : "Disabled", t_pcks_pass_router : " the packets not specified by any filtering rules to pass through the device", t_pass_router : "the packets not specified by any filtering rules to pass through the device.", js_mksure_delete : "Are you sure to delete all entries?", js_no_entry : "There's no entry to move.", js_bad_id : "The id index shouldn't be 0, please change another one", js_input_dest_index : "please input the destination index!", js_input_src_index : "please input the source index!", js_bad_id_index : "The ID index is invalid, please input another one!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WlanAdvCfgRpm.htm ntw_wlan_adv_cfg: { t_title : "Wireless Advanced Settings", t_wme : "Enable WMM", t_isolation : "Enable AP Isolation", t_disPreamble : "Disable short preamble", t_rts : "RTS Threshold:", t_frag : "Fragmentation Threshold:", t_beacon : "Beacon Interval:", t_needReboot : "The modification of wireless advanced settings requires rebooting the system to take effect.", t_reboot : "Reboot", js_bad_rts_value : "Invalid value, please enter a number between 1 and 2346.", js_bad_frag_value : "Invalid value, please enter a number between 256 and 2346.", js_bad_beacon_value : "Invalid value, please enter a number between 20 and 1000.", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WlanMacFilterRpm.htm ntw_wlan_mac_filter: { t_allow1 : "allow", t_deny1 : "deny", t_title : "Wireless MAC Address Filtering", t_mac_flt : "Wireless MAC Address Filtering:", t_disabled : "Disabled ", t_Enabled : "Enabled ", t_flt_rule : "Filtering Rules", t_allow : "Allow", t_allow_note : "the stations not specified by any enabled entries in the list to access", t_deny : "Deny", t_deny_note : "the stations not specified by any enabled entries in the list to access", t_mac_addr : "MAC Address", t_status : "Status", t_priv : "Privilege", t_dsp : "Description  ", t_modify : "Modify", t_wlMacEn2 : "Enabled", t_wlMacDis2 : "Disabled", t_modify1 : "Modify", t_delete : "Delete", js_mksure_delete : "Are you sure to delete all entries?", js_mksure_change_rule : "Do you want to change current Filtering Rules?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WlanMacFilterAdvRpm.htm ntw_wlan_mac_filter_adv: { t_title : "Add or Modify Wireless MAC Address Filtering entry", t_mac_addr : "MAC Address:", t_description : "Description:", t_privilege : "Privilege:", t_allow : "allow", t_deny : "deny", t_status : "Status:", t_enabled : "Enabled", t_disabled : "Disabled", js_bad_mac : "Invalid MAC address, please input another one!", js_bad_mac_format : "The MAC address format is invalid! The valid format is '00-00-00-00-00-00'.", js_input_mac : "Please input a correct MAC address!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WlanSecurityRpm.htm ntw_wlan_security: { t_title : "Wireless Security", t_dis_security : "Disable Security", t_wep : " WEP", t_type : "Type:", t_automatic : "Automatic", t_openSys : "Open System", t_shareKey : "Shared Key", t_format : "WEP Key Format:", t_hexadecimal : "Hexadecimal", t_ascii : "ASCII", t_keySel : "Key Selected", t_wepKey : "WEP Key", t_keyType : "Key Type", t_key : "Key", t_disable : "Disabled", t_64 : "64bit", t_128 : "128bit", t_152 : "152bit", t_version : "Version:", t_automatic1 : "Automatic", t_encryption : "Encryption:", t_automatic2 : "Automatic", t_server : "Radius Server IP:", t_port : "Radius Port:", t_msg : "(1-65535, 0 stands for default port 1812)", t_password : "Radius Password:", t_gkup : "Group Key Update Period:", t_msg1 : "(in second, minimum is 30, 0 means no update)", t_version1 : "Version:", t_automatic3 : "Automatic", t_encryption1 : "Encryption:", t_automatic4 : "Automatic", t_psk : "PSK Passphrase:", t_msg2 : "(The Passphrase is between 8 and 63 characters long)", t_gkup2 : "Group Key Update Period:", t_msg3 : "(in second, minimum is 30, 0 means no update, only be valid in AP mode.)", t_note : "Note:", t_msg4 : "Some security mode can not be selected since it can not be supported by the current wireless mode.", js_bad_radius_server_ip : "Invalid IP address for Radius Server, please input again!", js_bad_radius_port : "Invalid Radius port, please input again!", js_bad_gk_up : "Invalid Group Key Update Period, please input again!", js_empty_psk : "Empty PSK passphrase, please input one!", js_bad_psk_short : "PSK passphrase must be more than 8 characters, please input again!", js_bad_psk_long : "PSK passphrase must be less than 63 characters, please input again!", js_mksure_no_wep_key : "No WEP Keys have been set, continue?", js_bad_wep_key_hex : "WEP key -- is invalid!\nThe WEP Key Format is Hexadecimal currently.\nMake sure that all digits are Hexadecimal (zero key is illegal) and the length meets the requirement.", js_bad_wep_key_ascii : "WEP key -- is invalid!\nThe WEP Key Format is ASCII currently.\nMake sure that all characters are ASCII (not including any other character) and the length meets the requirement.", js_mksure_no_wep_pwd : "Empty Radius password, continue?", js_bad_radiu_pwd : "Radius password must be less than 64 characters, please input again!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WlanStationRpm.htm ntw_wlan_station: { t_auth : "STA-AUTH", t_assoc : "STA-ASSOC", t_up : "AP-UP", t_down : "AP-DOWN", t_disconed : "Disconnected", t_title : "Wireless Statistics", t_cur_number : "Current Connected Wireless Stations numbers:", t_id : "ID", t_mac_addr : "MAC Address", t_cur_status : "Current Status", t_rev_pkt : "Received Packets", t_sent_pkt : "Sent Packets", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WanStaticIpCfgRpm.htm ntw_wan_static_ip_cfg: { t_dyna : "Dynamic IP", t_stat : "Static IP", t_pppoe : "PPPoE", t_802dy : "802.1X + Dynamic IP", t_802st : "802.1X + Static IP", t_bpa : "BigPond Cable", t_l2tp : "L2TP", t_pptp : "PPTP", t_title : "WAN", t_wan_port : "WAN Port:", t_wan_conn_tp : "WAN Connection Type:", t_in_net_ran : "Interior network:", t_ip_addr : "IP Address:", t_sub_mask : "Subnet Mask:", t_gateway : "Default Gateway:", t_option : " (Optional)", t_mtu_size : "MTU Size (in bytes):", t_desc : " (The default is 1500, do not change unless necessary.)", t_pri_dns : "Primary DNS:", t_option1 : " (Optional)", t_sec_dns : "Secondary DNS:", t_opt2 : " (Optional)", js_bad_mtu : "Bad MTU, please input another number!(576 ~ 1500, the default is 1500)", js_bad_interior_network : "The Interior network is invalid, please input again!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WanDynamicIpCfgRpm.htm ntw_wan_dynamic_ip_cfg: { t_dyna : "Dynamic IP", t_stat : "Static IP", t_pppoe : "PPPoE", t_802dy : "802.1X + Dynamic IP", t_802st : "802.1X + Static IP", t_bpa : "BigPond Cable", t_l2tp : "L2TP", t_pptp : "PPTP", t_title : "WAN", t_wan_port : "WAN Port:", t_wan_con_type : "WAN Connection Type:", t_in_net_ran : "Interior network:", t_host_name : "Host Name:", t_ip_addr : "IP Address:", t_sub_mask : "Subnet Mask:", t_gateway : "Default Gateway:", t_info : "Obtaining network parameters...", t_mtu_size : "MTU Size (in bytes):", t_mtu_range : " (The default is 1500, do not change unless necessary.)", t_use_dns_srv : " Use These DNS Servers", t_pri_dns : "Primary DNS:", t_sec_dns : "Secondary DNS:", t_opt : " (Optional)", t_get_ip_dncp : " Get IP with Unicast DHCP (It is usually not required.)", js_bad_mtu : "Bad MTU, please input another number!(576 ~ 1500, the default is 1500)", js_bad_interior_network : "The Interior network is invalid, please input again!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WzdEndRpm.htm ntw_wzd_end: { t_title : "Quick Setup - Finish", t_msg : "Congratulations! The device is now connecting you to the Internet. For detail settings, please contact other menus if necessary.", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WzdPPPoERpm.htm ntw_wzd_pppoe: { t_title : "Quick Setup - PPPoE", t_name : "User Name:", t_pwd : "Password: ", js_input_name : "Please input an Account Name!", js_input_pwd : "Please input a Password!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WzdStartRpm.htm ntw_wzd_start: { t_title : "Quick Setup", t_guide1 : "The quick setup will tell you how to configure the basic network parameters.", t_guide2_1 : "To continue, please click the ", t_guide2_2 : "Next", t_guide2_3 : "button.", t_guide3_1 : "To exit, please click the ", t_guide3_2 : "Exit", t_guide3_3 : " button.", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WzdStaticIpRpm.htm ntw_wzd_static_ip: { t_title : "Quick Setup - Static IP", t_ip : "IP Address:", t_submask : "Subnet Mask:", t_default_gateway : "Default Gateway:", t_option : "(Optional)", t_dns1 : "Primary DNS:", t_option1 : "(Optional)", t_dns2 : "Secondary DNS:", t_option2 : "(Optional)", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WzdWanTypeRpm.htm ntw_wzd_wan_type: { t_title : "Quick Setup - Choose WAN Connection Type", t_item : "Please choose WAN Connection Type:", t_pppoe : "PPPoE", t_dynip : "Dynamic IP", t_staticip : "Static IP", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WzdWlanApcRpm.htm ntw_wzd_wlan_apc: { t_title : "Quick Setup - Wireless", t_item : "Please config parameters of APC Mode:", js_bad_mac : "Invalid MAC address, please input another one!", js_input_ssid : "Please input SSID!", js_bad_ssid : "The SSID cannot exceed 32 alphanumeric characters. Please input correctly!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WlanThroughputIframe.htm ntw_wlan_throughputIframe: { t_rate : "Rate:", t_cur : "Current", t_max : "Max", t_min : "Min", t_average : "Average", t_tx : "Transmit", t_rx : "Receive", t_time : "Run Time:", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WlanThroughputRpm.htm ntw_wlan_throughput: { t_title : "Throughput Monitor", js_throughput_error : "THROUGHPUT ERROR ACCURE!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WlanAntennaRpm.htm ntw_wlan_antenna: { t_title : "Antenna Alignment", t_remoteRssi : "Remote RSSI: ", t_percent : "Signal Percent:", t_range : "RSSI RANGE:", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WlanAntennaIframe.htm WlanAntennaIframe: { js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:NetworkCfgRpm.htm ntw_network_cfg: { t_title : "LAN", t_ip_addr : "IP Address:", t_mask : "Subnet Mask:", t_gateway : "Gateway:", t_mac : "MAC Address:", js_input_ip : "Please input IP address!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:popupSiteSurveyRpm.htm ntw_popup_site_survey: { t_title : "AP List", t_ap_count : "AP Count:", t_scanning : "Scanning...", t_signal0 : "Signal", t_channel : "Channel", t_security0 : "Security", t_choose : "Choose", t_signal1 : "Signal", t_channel1 : "Channel", t_security1 : "Security", t_connect : "Connect", js_connect_fail : "Can not connect. Select the correct wireless mode first please.", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:OperationModeRpm.htm ntw_operation_mode: { t_title : "Operation Mode", t_apc_router : "AP Client Router:", t_wisp_c_router : "WISP Client Router", t_ap_router : "AP Router:", t_wr_bd_router : "Wireless Broadband Router", t_ap_switch : "AP:", t_wr_switch : "Access Point", js_mksure_disable_security : "Current mode check will disable security config, continue?", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:StatusRpm.htm ntw_status: { t_dyn_ip : "Dynamic IP", t_static_ip : "Static IP", t_ie_dyn : "IEEE802.1X + Dynamic IP", t_ie_static : "IEEE802.1X + Static IP", t_big_pond_cable : "Big Pond Cable", t_disabled : "Disabled", t_timeout : "Timeout", t_link_down : "Link Down", t_link_up : "Link Up", t_sta : "108Mbps (Static)", t_dyn : "108Mbps (Dynamic)", t_not_log_in : "Not log in", t_logging_in : "Logging in, please wait...", t_longin_successfully : "Login successfully", t_obtaining_net_paramenter : "Obtaining network parameters...", t_title : "Status", t_firm_vs : "Firmware Version:", t_hd_vs : "Hardware Version:", t_lan : "LAN", t_wired : "Wired", t_mac_addr : "MAC Address:", t_ip_addr : "IP Address:", t_sub_mask : "Subnet Mask:", t_node_disable : "Disabled", t_acc_point : "Access Point", t_client1 : "Client", t_client2 : "Client", t_repeater : "Repeater", t_unRepeater : "Universal Repeater", t_bridge_p2p : "Bridge (Point to Point)", t_bridge_p2m : "Bridge (Point to Multi-Point)", t_disable : "Disable", t_enable : "Enable", t_wireless : "Wireless", t_mode1 : "Operating Mode:", t_wireless_radio : "Wireless Radio:", t_signal : "Signal:", t_remoteMAC : "Remote MAC:", t_channel : "Channel:", t_mode : "Mode:", t_mac_addr2 : "MAC Address:", t_ip_addr2 : "IP Address:", t_wan1 : "WAN", t_status : "Status:", t_mac_addr1 : "MAC Address:", t_ip_addr1 : "IP Address:", t_sub_mask1 : "Subnet Mask:", t_def_gt : "Default Gateway:", t_ddns_ser : "DNS Server:", t_online_time : "Online Time:", t_days : " day(s)", t_connecting : "Connecting...", t_trff_stat : "Traffic Statistics", t_received : "Received", t_sent : "Sent", t_byt : "Bytes:", t_pcks : "Packets:", t_rate : "Rate", t_rece_byt : "Received (Bytes)", t_rece_pck : "Received (Packets)", t_sent_pcks : "Sent (Packets)", t_total : "Total", t_sys_up_time : "System Up Time:", t_day : " day(s) ", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WlanModeRpm.htm ntw_wlan_mode: { t_access : "Access Point", t_enBroadcast : "Enable SSID Broadcast", t_client : "Client", t_enWDS : "Enable WDS", t_macOfAP : "MAC of AP:", t_repeater : "Repeater", t_macOfAP1 : "MAC of AP:", t_unRepeater : "Universal Repeater", t_macOfAP2 : "MAC of AP:", t_bridge : "Bridge (Point to Point)", t_ApMode : "With AP Mode", t_macOfAP3 : "MAC of AP:", t_pToMu : "Bridge (Point to Multi-Point)", t_ApMode1 : "With AP Mode", t_briMacOfAp1 : "MAC of AP1:", t_briMacOfAp2 : "MAC of AP2:", t_briMacOfAp3 : "MAC of AP3:", t_briMacOfAp4 : "MAC of AP4:", t_briMacOfAp5 : "MAC of AP5:", t_briMacOfAp6 : "MAC of AP6:", t_title : "Wireless Mode Settings", t_note : "Note:", t_msg : "The current security method may be invalid after changing the wireless mode.", js_input_ssid : "Please input SSID!", js_bad_ssid : "The SSID cannot exceed 32 characters. Please input correctly!", js_input_client_mac : "You must input a client MAC address!", js_mksure_disable_security : "Current mode check will disable security config, continue?", js_input_repeater_mac : "You must input a repeater MAC address!", js_input_bridge_mac : "You must input a bridge MAC address!", js_mac_duplicate : "Duplicate MAC Address, please input another one.", js_few_mac_addr : "You must set 2 or more MAC addresses of AP.", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WzdOpModeRpm.htm ntw_wzd_op_mode: { t_title : "Quick Setup - Choose Operation Mode", t_item : "Please choose Operation Mode Type:", t_ip : "AP Client Router", t_apc : "AP Router", t_ap : "AP", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WzdWlanRpm.htm ntw_wzd_wlan: { t_title : "Quick Setup - Wireless", t_item : "Please config parameters of AP Mode:", t_ssid : "SSID:", t_region : "Region:", t_Albania : "Albania", t_Algeria : "Algeria", t_Argentina : "Argentina", t_Armenia : "Armenia", t_Australia : "Australia", t_Austria : "Austria", t_Azerbaijan : "Azerbaijan", t_Bahrain : "Bahrain", t_Belarus : "Belarus", t_Belgium : "Belgium", t_Belize : "Belize", t_Bolvia : "Bolvia", t_Brazil : "Brazil", t_Brunei : "Brunei Darussalam", t_Bulgaria : "Bulgaria", t_Canada : "Canada", t_Chile : "Chile", t_China : "China", t_Colombia : "Colombia", t_Costa : "Costa Rica", t_Croatia : "Croatia", t_Cyprus : "Cyprus", t_Czech : "Czech Republic", t_Denmark : "Denmark", t_Dominican : "Dominican Republic", t_Ecuador : "Ecuador", t_Egypt : "Egypt", t_El : "El Salvador", t_Estonia : "Estonia", t_Finland : "Finland", t_France : "France", t_Georgia : "Georgia", t_Germany : "Germany", t_Greece : "Greece", t_Guatemala : "Guatemala", t_Honduras : "Honduras", t_Hong : "Hong Kong", t_Hungary : "Hungary", t_Iceland : "Iceland", t_India : "India", t_Indonesia : "Indonesia", t_Iran : "Iran", t_Ireland : "Ireland", t_Israel : "Israel", t_Italy : "Italy", t_Japan : "Japan", t_Japan1 : "Japan1", t_Japan2 : "Japan2", t_Japan3 : "Japan3", t_Japan4 : "Japan4", t_Japan5 : "Japan5", t_Japan6 : "Japan6", t_Jordan : "Jordan", t_Kazakhstan : "Kazakhstan", t_North : "North Korea", t_Korea : "Korea Republic", t_Korea2 : "Korea Republic2", t_Kuwait : "Kuwait", t_Latvia : "Latvia", t_Lebanon : "Lebanon", t_Liechtenstein : "Liechtenstein", t_Lithuania : "Lithuania", t_Luxembourg : "Luxembourg", t_Macau : "Macau", t_Macedonia : "Macedonia", t_Malaysia : "Malaysia", t_Malta : "Malta", t_Mexico : "Mexico", t_Monaco : "Monaco", t_Morocco : "Morocco", t_Netherlands : "Netherlands", t_New : "New Zealand", t_Norway : "Norway", t_Oman : "Oman", t_Pakistan : "Pakistan", t_Panama : "Panama", t_Peru : "Peru", t_Philippines : "Philippines", t_Poland : "Poland", t_Portugal : "Portugal", t_Puerto : "Puerto Rico", t_Qatar : "Qatar", t_Romania : "Romania", t_Russia : "Russia", t_Saudi : "Saudi Arabia", t_Singapore : "Singapore", t_Slovak : "Slovak Republic", t_Slovenia : "Slovenia", t_South : "South Africa", t_Spain : "Spain", t_Sweden : "Sweden", t_Switzerland : "Switzerland", t_Syria : "Syria", t_Taiwan : "Taiwan", t_Thailand : "Thailand", t_Trinidad : "Trinidad & Tobago", t_Tunisia : "Tunisia", t_Turkey : "Turkey", t_Ukraine : "Ukraine", t_UnitedA : "United Arab Emirates", t_UnitedK : "United Kingdom", t_UnitedS : "United States", t_Uruguay : "Uruguay", t_Uzbekistan : "Uzbekistan", t_Venezuela : "Venezuela", t_Viet : "Viet Nam", t_Yemen : "Yemen", t_Zimbabwe : "Zimbabwe", t_channel : "Channel:", t_mode : "Mode:", t_sta : "108Mbps (Static)", t_dyn : "108Mbps (Dynamic)", js_input_ssid : "Please input SSID!", js_bad_ssid : "The SSID cannot exceed 32 alphanumeric characters. Please input correctly!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:WlanBasicRpm.htm ntw_wlan_basic: { t_title : "Wireless Settings", t_ssid : "SSID:", t_Region : "Region:", t_Albania : "Albania", t_Algeria : "Algeria", t_Argentina : "Argentina", t_Armenia : "Armenia", t_Australia : "Australia", t_Austria : "Austria", t_Azerbaijan : "Azerbaijan", t_Bahrain : "Bahrain", t_Belarus : "Belarus", t_Belgium : "Belgium", t_Belize : "Belize", t_Bolivia : "Bolivia", t_Brazil : "Brazil", t_Brunei : "Brunei Darussalam", t_Bulgaria : "Bulgaria", t_Canada : "Canada", t_Chile : "Chile", t_China : "China", t_Colombia : "Colombia", t_Costa : "Costa Rica", t_Croatia : "Croatia", t_Cyprus : "Cyprus", t_Czech : "Czech Republic", t_Denmark : "Denmark", t_Dominican : "Dominican Republic", t_Ecuador : "Ecuador", t_Egypt : "Egypt", t_El : "El Salvador", t_Estonia : "Estonia", t_Finland : "Finland", t_France : "France", t_Georgia : "Georgia", t_Germany : "Germany", t_Greece : "Greece", t_Guatemala : "Guatemala", t_Honduras : "Honduras", t_Hong : "Hong Kong", t_Hungary : "Hungary", t_Iceland : "Iceland", t_India : "India", t_Indonesia : "Indonesia", t_Iran : "Iran", t_Ireland : "Ireland", t_Israel : "Israel", t_Italy : "Italy", t_Japan : "Japan", t_Japan1 : "Japan1", t_Japan2 : "Japan2", t_Japan3 : "Japan3", t_Japan4 : "Japan4", t_Japan5 : "Japan5", t_Japan6 : "Japan6", t_Jordan : "Jordan", t_Kazakhstan : "Kazakhstan", t_North : "North Korea", t_Korea : "Korea Republic", t_Korea2 : "Korea Republic2", t_Kuwait : "Kuwait", t_Latvia : "Latvia", t_Lebanon : "Lebanon", t_Liechtenstein : "Liechtenstein", t_Lithuania : "Lithuania", t_Luxembourg : "Luxembourg", t_Macau : "Macau", t_Macedonia : "Macedonia", t_Malaysia : "Malaysia", t_Malta : "Malta", t_Mexico : "Mexico", t_Monaco : "Monaco", t_Morocco : "Morocco", t_Netherlands : "Netherlands", t_New : "New Zealand", t_Norway : "Norway", t_Oman : "Oman", t_Pakistan : "Pakistan", t_Panama : "Panama", t_Peru : "Peru", t_Philippines : "Philippines", t_Poland : "Poland", t_Portugal : "Portugal", t_Puerto : "Puerto Rico", t_Qatar : "Qatar", t_Romania : "Romania", t_Russia : "Russia", t_Saudi : "Saudi Arabia", t_Singapore : "Singapore", t_Slovak : "Slovak Republic", t_Slovenia : "Slovenia", t_South : "South Africa", t_Spain : "Spain", t_Sweden : "Sweden", t_Switzerland : "Switzerland", t_Syria : "Syria", t_Taiwan : "Taiwan", t_Thailand : "Thailand", t_Trinidad : "Trinidad & Tobago", t_Tunisia : "Tunisia", t_Turkey : "Turkey", t_Ukraine : "Ukraine", t_UnitedA : "United Arab Emirates", t_UnitedK : "United Kingdom", t_UnitedS : "United States", t_Uruguay : "Uruguay", t_Uzbekistan : "Uzbekistan", t_Venezuela : "Venezuela", t_Viet : "Viet Nam", t_Yemen : "Yemen", t_Zimbabwe : "Zimbabwe", t_warning : "Warning:", t_remaind1 : "Ensure you select a correct country to conform local law.", t_remaind2 : "Incorrect settings may cause interference.", t_channel : "Channel:", t_power : "Power:", t_hipwr_mode : " Enable High Power Mode", t_mode : "Mode:", t_108s : "108Mbps (Static)", t_108d : "108Mbps (Dynamic)", js_input_ssid : "Please input SSID!", js_bad_ssid : "The SSID cannot exceed 32 characters. Please input correctly!", js_country_notice : "Selecting the incorrect country may cause interference to other devices and violate the applicable law.", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, // File Name:common.js ntw_common_js: { js_input_ip0 : "Please input an IP address(1-254)!", js_bad_ip0 : "The IP address is invalid, please input another one(1-254)!", js_illegal_character : "Illegal character is included.Pease input another one!", js_incorrect_format : "Incorrect format. Please enter another one!", js_illegal_value : "The address value should be between 0 to 255. Please enter another one!", js_loop_ip : "It is a loop IP address. Please enter another one!", js_multicast_ip : "It is the multicast address. Please enter another one!", js_input_ip1 : "Please input an IP address!", js_input_gateway : "Please input the Gateway!", js_input_dns : "Please input the DNS server address (for example!", js_bad_dns : "The DNS server address is invalid, please input another one(for example!", js_illegal_input : "The input value contain illegal characters, please input another one!", js_input_port : "Please input the port number (1-65534)!", js_bad_port : "The port number is invalid, please input another one(1-65534)!", js_input_mask : "Please input the Subnet Mask (for example:!", js_bad_mask : "The Subnet Mask is invalid, please input another one (for example:!", js_bad_mac_format : "The MAC address format is invalid! The valid format is '00-00-00-00-00-00'.", js_inv_mac_zero : "Invalid MAC address, please input again!", js_invalid_mac : "Invalid MAC address, please input another one!", js_broadcast_mac : "The MAC address is a broadcast MAC address, please input again!", js_multi_mac : "The MAC address is a multicast MAC address, please input again!", js_input_mac : "Please input a MAC address!", js_input_msg : "You can input up to 30 characters, please input again!", js_info_end :"js_info_end" }, obj_end : "" } var str_main = new Array(); str_main.charset = "text/html; charset=gb2312" str_main.btn = { Save : "Save", Showhostlist : "Blocked Dos Host List", Refresh : "Refresh", Backup : "Backup", Restore : "Restore", Clear : "Clear All", Login : "Login", Logout : "Logout", Return : "Back", Gettime : "Get Gmt", Addnew : "Add New...", Enall : "Enable All", Disall : "Disable All", Delall : "Delete All", Previous : "Previous", Next : "Next", Connect : "Connect", Disconnect : "Disconnect", Find : "Find", Load : "Load ", Delete : "Delete ", Capture : "Bind All", Resall : "Load All", RestoreMAC : "Restore Factory MAC", CloneMAC : "Clone MAC Address To", Runtest : "Run Test", Stoptest : "Stop Test", Advanced : "Advanced", Restorefactory : "Restore", Upgrade : "Upgrade", Reboot : "Reboot", Clearlog : "Clear All", Staton : "Enable", Statoff : "Disable", Resetall : "Reset All", Upnpdisable : "Disable", Upnpenable : "Enable", Move : "Move", Enable : "Enable", Disable : "Disable", RenewIP : "Renew", ReleaseIP : "Release", Secwzd : "Firewall Cfg", Finish : "Finish", Exit : "Exit", Watch : "Start", Put : "Refresh", Survey : "Survey", end_button : "end_button" }